
A GCC country strived to secure the participative development and public support of a newly-developed National Development Strategy.

S2C Approach

S2C developed a comprehensive communication strategy set to achieve the following:

  • Prepare the ground for the official launch of the Strategy, raise media and public interest in it and build anticipation for its imminent launch
  • Render the Strategy understandable and accessible to the public and raise awareness about its importance and implications
  • Secure alignment and cooperation of all stakeholders and garner national support for the implementation of the Strategy
  • Bridge the gap in the concerns and priorities of all the players involved, ensuring that the national interest supersedes the interests and considerations of particular groups



The Strategy’s launch was a great success and was complemented with a comprehensive communication campaign that allowed citizens to recognize and understand the Strategy and its ultimate objectives, and maintained the momentum needed to develop the sector-specific implementation strategies based on the principles set forth by the National Development Strategy.